Reduce Your Risk of Oral Cancer
Here are 6 Things You Can Do!

When it comes to cancer awareness, oral cancer doesn’t quite make the headlines compared to other types of cancers. It should.

Less people are diagnosed with it compared to other cancers, but oral cancer has a higher death rate over cancers such as colon or breast cancer.

Make Oral Cancer Screening Part of Daily Oral Hygiene Why? Because many cases of oral cancer aren’t diagnosed until they’ve reached more advanced, difficult to treat stages.

So, what is considered oral cancer? Oral cancer includes cancers of the mouth and the back of the throat; including your lips, gums, cheeks and tongue.

The good news? This cancer has a survival rate between 80 and 90 percent when it’s detected at an early stage. Here are 6 things you can do to reduce your risk of getting it, as well as detecting it early.

Reduce Oral Cancer Risk & Detect it Early

  1. Visit Your Dentist for Screenings – Screening for oral cancer is another good reason to stay on top of your annual dental exams and teeth cleanings. We routinely look for any signs of cancer or precancerous conditions in your mouth. We also offer VELscope examination for patients who might require a more thorough cancer screening based on their age, health or family history. The VELscope exam is an non-invasive handheld screening device that uses a light to examine your mouth’s tissues. If there are any areas of suspicion, we will request a biopsy with standard pathology tests. We recommend this simple test for many patients as an extension of their regular dental exams.
  2. Include At-Home Screening – Look for it as part of your oral hygiene routine. Check for changes in the soft tissues of your mouth. Examine your tongue for any signs of red or white patches, and feel for lumps. Examine your lips and cheeks for lumps or bumps. Review your gums for any changes in color or texture – healthy gums look pink and firm. Not sure what to check for? Ask us – we can show you!
  3. Stay Away from TobaccoAvoid chewing tobacco or smoking it. And speaking of smoking – if you consume cannabis – don’t smoke it.
  4. Eat More Fruits and VeggiesFill your plate with veggies and fruits. Consider vegetables and fruit that contain carotenoids – bright red, orange and green fruits and vegetables (sweet potatoes, watermelon, beets, mangos, carrots) And don’t forget the broccoli! Cruciferous veggies, such as kale, broccoli, cabbage and cauliflower induce enzymes that promote detoxification of chemical carcinogens, which cause cancer, that are found in tobacco smoke.
  5. Protect Your LipsDon’t forget to protect your lips from the sun. It might be the last thing you think about regarding your oral health, but lip cancer can severely impact the rest of your smile. When you’re out in the sun, minimize any damage sun exposure can cause by wearing an SPF lip balm. SPF 30 filters out around 97%.of harmful UVB rays.
  6. Drink in Moderation Avoid heavy alcohol use – more than 15 alcoholic beverages per week can increase your risk.

Early Detection Saves Lives

There’s a lot you can do to help minimize your risk for oral cancer, as well detect it early. Staying mindful of oral cancer and regularly screening for it are all important steps to improving the survival rates from this disease with early detection.

Routine oral cancer screening can save your life. If it’s been a while since you’ve had an examination that included an oral cancer screening, or you’d like to request a VELscope screening, please let us know. Please call us at (206) 242-0066 to schedule an exam or request your appointment online.

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