Improve Your Health this Year –
It Starts With Your Teeth!

Why wait for a New Year to start doing something positive to improve your health this year.

The beginning of a new year is a popular time to make resolutions to be healthier, but making changes to improve your health can happen whenever you’re ready. In fact, you can make a resolution, or two, to do something better for yourself on any given day.

So, since your overall health is directly connected to the health of your teeth and gums (have you heard us say this before?), we have some great tips to keep you healthy.

Healthy Teeth, Healthy Life. Your oral health can keep you healthier this year.


Here are 8 Ways to Improve Your Health this Year!

  1. Brush Your Tongue! – Your tongue is home to over 6 billion bacteria. Most of them do good work, like fighting tooth decay. But some will disrupt the oral health good vibes by causing bad breath, or even lowering your immunity levels. Add brushing your tongue as part of your daily oral hygiene routine. It actually offers some big benefits. Here are the benefits of brushing your tongue + how to do it.
  2. Smile More & Often! – Smiling can lower your blood pressure, improve your longevity, and boost your self-esteem. But don’t take our word for it – discover the benefits of smiling for yourself!
  3. Floss Like a Pro!Flossing gets the stuff out between your teeth & under your gumline that promote tooth decay + gum disease. Unfortunately, a lot of folks really hate doing it, and many who floss, usually don’t do it correctly. Here’s how to master the art of flossing, and here are some alternatives for anti-flossers!
  4. Eat More Tooth Friendly Foods Your teeth, gums and smile will love it! Add some of these foods into your daily diet!
  5. Lower Your Oral Cancer Risk – Oral cancer includes cancers of the mouth and the back of the throat; including your lips, gums, cheeks and tongue. Less people are diagnosed with it compared to other cancers, but oral cancer has a higher death rate over cancers such as colon or breast cancer. Why? Because oral cancer is often not diagnosed until it’s reached a more advanced, difficult to treat stage. Fortunately, its survival rate is very good when it’s detected early. Here’s how to reduce your risk of oral cancer and how to detect it early.
  6. Protect Your Teeth When You Play Studies confirm that the more teeth you can keep in your mouth, the more likely you are to attain a ripe, old age. Each year over 3 million teeth get knocked out during recreational and sports activities. Fortunately, our custom fitted sports mouthguards can safely, and comfortably, protect your teeth! And they come in several colors too!
  7. Keep Your Heart Happy ( + Your Teeth Healthy!) Heart disease remains the #1 cause of death of adults in our country. Give your heart a little more love. It can start with your teeth. Poor oral health & hygiene can increase your risk for heart disease – avoid these 4 things!
  8. Don’t Miss Your Preventative Care Not missing regular routine dental visits will go a long way towards keeping your gums and teeth healthy. We can help you stay on top of your dental health before more serious, and potentially costly, dental problems arise. Preventative care is cheaper than restorative care, so schedule regular checkups and teeth cleanings every six months to keep your oral health on track.

If your resolution is to be healthier this year, you can rely on your friendly Burien dental team to get you there, especially since your health is truly dependent on your oral health. Healthy teeth, healthy life!

Whether you need to get on the schedule for a teeth cleaning and exam, or you just want to brighten your winter with a shinier smile, please reach out to us to schedule an appointment. Call us at (206) 242-0066 or reach out to us online!

P.S. Here are 5 Ways to Show Off Your Smile This Year!

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