
If you’re missing one or more teeth, it probably affects your smile and you may also notice a difference in chewing and speaking. But there are options available to help you restore your smile and limit other problems. For example, a bridge – sometimes called a fixed partial denture – replaces missing teeth with artificial...
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Most people admire models for their style and looks. No matter where these models go, they seem to glow and when they smile, you cannot help but notice their pearly whites. Ordinary people usually wonder how those models have the perfect set of teeth and how come their own set of teeth seems so yellow...
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Many people think that fluoride is only necessary for children’s developing teeth. But this is only partially true- Yes, children with developing teeth do benefit from topical fluoride treatments. The fluoride converts the mineral content in developing teeth to be more resistant to acid break down. But, exposure to fluoride can also reverse the development...
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